MPD (2)
1 Peach's Tiobraid Solo Venture To Kilbourne NAF. 7 month old puppy of good size, nice head and dark eyes, long neck into well set shoulder, good front and rear with plenty of bone, topline showing gentle rise over loin and fallaway to well set tail. Harsh coat. Moved freely.
2 Killoeter Tam Dubh. Another good sized puppy, masculine head, strong neck into good shoulder, both topline and underline correct. Moved well, on straight strong legs with good bone, better feet then first.
PD (3, 1)
1 Peach's Kilbourne Lloyd. 10 months old of good size, nice head with typical Deerhound expression, well balanced puppy with curves in all the right places, straight legs and nicely knuckled feet. Moved freely and effortlessly round the ring. BP.
2 Finnett & Heathcote's Hyndsight's Timespace. Shapely young dog with good front, showing forechest, standing well on legs with good bone, but very unsettled on the move, not showing himself to his advantage today.
JD (3, 1)
1 Finnett & Heathcote's Hyndsight Against The Wind. Good sized dog with lovely head and serious expression, dark eyes and well placed ears, nicely balanced dog, deep brisket and correct topline and underline, moved well on strong legs and knuckled feet.
2 Baumann's Packway Loxley Norton. Young dog, who was enjoying his day out, did not co-operate with his handler when moving. Standing he answered all the questions, in shape and stature. One to watch I think.
PGD (3, 1)
1 Johnson's Kilbourne Twist. Mature dog of moderate size, masculine head though ears could be smaller, strong neck into good shoulder placement, deep brisket adequate underline, very workmanlike.
2 Taylor's Hoddingrey Peregrine. Another good sized mature dog, good head with serious expression. Appeared balanced when standing. In profile looked to cover the ground with an easy free movement, however, was a bit erratic coming and going. Good harsh coat of correct texture and length.
LD (3 1)
1 Lewis' Luckhurst Nairn. Lovely type, nice head dark eyes and well set ears, typical Deerhound expression. Correctly shaped with curves where they should be, moved with a free and easy gait using his straight legs and knuckled feet to advantage.
2 Owen & Brodie's Luckhurst Nebo To Wolfscastle. Litter brother to first, and most of the same comments apply, very difficult to separate, but felt the winner moved the better of the two today.
OD (5, 1)
1 Helps' Beardswood Quinlan. Large mature dog, handsome head with darkish eyes and neat ears, strong muscular neck leading to well laid shoulder. Correct forechest, deep brisket. Strong legs and correct topline held on movement. Well coated with harsh hair of correct length. Moved effortlessly covering the ground with long easy strides. DCC, BOB.
2 Peach's Ch Rubeus Hagrid To Kilbourne. Smaller dog with handsome head and neatly folded ears of correct size. Nicely balanced, strong neck leading to good shoulder, both topline and underline as they should be, correct fall away with well set tail. Moved well in profile and coming and going with a free easy movement. RCC.
3 Finnett & Heathcote's Ch Hynsight Desperado.
VD 1
Baumann's Multi Ch Regalflight Tarloch. 8 year old pale grey dog of good size, handsome head and dark eyes, ears could be smaller. Good bone, nicely knuckled feet, good topline held on movement nice tuck up good length from hip to hock. Movement free and light with good stride pattern.
PB (3, 1)
1 Llewellyn's Kilbourne Mistress Martha At Matahari. Well grown balanced puppy, pretty head with soft expression, neat well set ears, long strong neck into good shoulder, straight front with good topline showing gentle rise over loin, moved well with an easy gait, nicely knuckled feet.
2 Heathcote & Finnett's Hyndsight In Your Dreams At her first show. Lovely head with typical Deerhound expression, well shaped and balanced good bone and well knuckled feet. correct harsh coat, Reluctant to move at first but once settled showed, an easy stride, both in profile and coming and going.
3 Wilce Quinton's Quinton's Kilbourne Marie At Kirjojax.
JB (3, 1)
1 Finnett & Heathcote's Hyndsight Mandolin Wind. Very attractive bitch with a lovely expression. Long strong neck into good shoulder, deep brisket for one so young, correct underline and topline which was held on movement, showing long striding and free action.
2 Faircloth's Chuilinn Lyriel At Calbraidh. Tall rangy girl with nice head, but lacking face furnishings at the moment. Long in the body, with adequate bone and knuckled feet. Well muscled. Moved well with a very long stride, enjoying her day!
NB 1
1 Faircloth's Chuilinn Lyriel At Calbraith.
PGB (7, 1)
1 Peach's Blixten Star To Kilbourne (Imp). Small and a beautifully balanced bitch. Very pretty neat, well set ears, good neck and shoulder correct topline showing slight rise over loin and fallaway to well set tail, straight front with good bone, feet could be smaller, Moved effortlessly around the ring, with a free and easy stride pattern.
2 Bailey's Greyflax Teen Spirit. Very pretty bitch more mature than winner. Strong neck to well laid shoulder, good front and rear angulations. Moved well both in profile and coming and going. Difficult to choose Just felt first more balanced.
3 Lewis' Luckhurst Olgrin.
LB (7)
1 Wragg's Neroche Jeska. Very pretty head with typical expression. Strong neck leading to good shoulder, straight front, curves where they should be. Nicely balanced, moving with a good length of stride, showing free and easy effortless movement. RBCC.
2 Helps' Beardswood Rhymi. Good sized strong mature bitch. Pretty head with dark eye and serious expression. Very nice topline and tuck up, broad across her quarters. Moved very well demonstrating free controlled movement.
3 Bailey's Greyflax Lady Sings The Blu's.
OB (5, 2)
1 Redmond & Friend's Ch Shagiead Lady Sea With Greybrows. 5 year old (today) mature bitch, pretty head, dark eyes good pigmentation and 'faraway' expression. Correct shape displaying an outline full of curves where they ought to be. Legs strong with good bone ending with knuckled feet. Sailed round the ring with ease, showing an effortless stride both in profile and coming and going. BCC, BOB.
2 Finnett & Heathcote's Ch Hyndsight Because The Night. Pretty, well balanced good sized bitch, correct topline and tuck up moved well with a seemingly tireless gait. Simply preferred the maturity of the winner today.
3 Bailey's Greyflax Summer Breeze.
VB 1
Seymour-Jackson's Cassacre Aelfrida Of Ghiltan. Pretty bitch of good size, nicely shaped, standing over a lot of ground, good tuck up and topline, which was held on moving, good bone and nice feet.
Gill Smith